Peer-reviewed papers
- N Giertych, J P Williams, S Ghosh (2024+). Conformal Prediction for Astronomy Data with Measurement Error. Under Review.
- T Snyder, J Forrester, R Scheller, M Woodbridge, T Keyser N Giertych (2024+). Ground-Layer Productivity Response Following Experimental Oak Harvests. In Progress.
- N Giertych J Myles, C Murphy, M Cove (2024+). Predicting Wildlife Vehicle Collisions in the Greater Raleigh Area. In Progress.
- N Simafranca, B Willoughby, E O'Neil, S Farr, B Reich, N Giertych, M Johnson, and M Pascolini-Campbell (2024+). Modelling wildland fire burn severity in California using a spatial Super Learner approach. Environmental and Ecological Statistics.
Link: Manuscript.
- N Giertych, A Shaban, P Haravu, and J P Williams (2024). A Statistical Primer on Classical Period-Finding Techniques in Astronomy. Reports on Progress in Physics.
Link: Manuscript. Link: Time capsuled code.
- I Carmichael, T Keefe, N Giertych, and J P Williams (2021+). yaglm: a Python package for fitting and tuning generalized linear models that supports structured, adaptive and non-convex penalties. In progress.
Link: Manuscript.
- J Ren, S Zou, J Lu, N Giertych, Y Chen, R Varney, and A Reimer (2020). Statistical study of ion upflow and downflow observed by PFISR. Journal of Geophysical Research.
Link: Manuscript.
Professional Presentations
- Structural Model Validation in Measurement Error Models. Joint Statistical Meetings conference, August 2023. Contributed Talk.
Link: Presentation Slides.
- Generalized Fiducial Inference on Orbital Parameters and Exoplanet Detection. Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy VIII conference, June 2023. Contributed Talk.
Link: Presentation Slides.
- Statistical Methods for Exoplanet Detection. NCSU College of Sciences Symposium, November 2021. Contributed Talk.
Link: Presentation Slides.
- A statistical primer on classical methods for exoplanet detection. Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy VII virtual conference, June 2021. Poster Presentation.
Link: Poster.